Please fill out the information below to request a copy of a survey. Be advised, a minimum fee of of $150 shall be assessed for a copy of a typical lot and block survey and can increase due to the nature of the survey. Each original signed and sealed survey is copyrighted for a single transaction at time of completion. The fee associated with obtaining the copy is due to this copyright and is further applied to defray the cost of document storage, research and due diligence to locate the survey and applicable administrative fees associated with these tasks and the transaction. Payment is due before the release of the copy of the survey. It can take up to 2-3 business days to locate drawings/CAD files. It may be of interest for an individual to first contact the original title company and request their copy of the survey, as the fees may be lower or nonexistent. If you feel you have a special circumstance, please feel free to contact our office to further discuss.